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Sunday, January 31, 2010

Author:  Boards

Last week we read about Jonas's reaction to sameness after he received the memories of sun, snow, sledding and that his ability to "see beyond" was actually seeing color.  He said he wishes that the community still had those things and questioned why they were done away with way back and back and back.  The community is in shades of grey, the land is flat, there isn't seasons and pretty much everyone is the same.  Everything is the same color, everyone experiences different things at the same ages, the procedures are the same and everyone has the same opportunities.  As with everything, there are pros and cons.  Envision our society and sameness.  What are some problems facing our world today that would be done away with if we had sameness?


  1. If we had sameness there would be many major problems that would be solved. One thing that would be solved would be discrimination. Discrimination is still used today because many people still judge others by their looks, clothes, and skin color. Skin color would not matter because everyone would look the same. Clothes would not matter because everyone would wear the same things. Everyone would believe in the same thing. A pro of sameness in our economy that effects us would be disagreements. Everyone would think the same thing. There would be no need for elections on presidents and other things because everyone would like the same person and would agree on it.

  2. One problem i think wouldn't be a problem anymore if we had sameness is race. There wouldn't be anymore racial jokes or problems against groups of people.
    Another problem i think would be done away with if we did have sameness is we wouldn’t have to worry about what we would be wearing the next day, and there would be less rumors and stress on kids.

  3. If our world today would be facing "sameness" life would be easier and better. No one would want to start war or kill anyone. There are many people that get judged on what they wear (for example, schools are trying to start having students have uniforms so it takes differences away from what the students think of one another), their hair color, even your skin color. If everyone was the same, no one would judge anyone, because they would be the same exact way. Also, there is still discrimination in our lives. If everyone would be the same color, no one would be judged by it. Nor, would anyone be racist.

    I think life would be very dull and boring if everyone was the same. There wouldn’t be anyone out their expressing their feelings on what they truly think of themselves. Our lives wouldn’t be fun, knowing our decisions and our future is planned for us. That is what I think of "sameness"

  4. We wouldn't have a problem of who has the best clothes. We wouldn't be having the war in Iraq. We wouldn't have the probmlem of Global warming. We wouldn't Have the problem of who has the best car in the high school.

  5. 1. Some problems that is facing our world today that would be solved if we had sameness is that even after the abolition of slavery a long time ago there are still discriminations against African Americans but with sameness there would be none of that because everyone would be the same color. Another problem would be that in today’s world everyone gets judged on how they were raised, the color of there clothes, what kind of house they live in, there lifestyle, religion, what kind of music they listen to, how old they were when they experienced things some good and some bad, how many kids they have, and many more. Finally the last problem that would be that I took this in my own hands and did some research on peoples opinions about the advantages of sameness and I strongly agree with them and this is what they said: In The Giver, Lowry presents the reader with the idea of Sameness, which is just as the name suggests, the same for everyone. The residents of Sameness are told who to marry, what to wear, how many children they can have, where to live, what to feel, and what job they will have; no matter how tempting it may sound to have all of these decisions made for you, and believe me, as an adult, it would sometimes be easier to have them made for you, I can not begin to imagine a society where I had no choice in any part of my life. Think about it in terms of your own life; how would you feel in this situation. As a teenager, life would be devastating to be controlled by others. No video games, no color, no choice! Surely the disadvantages are evident; the advantages are not as readily evident, other than the fact that you don't have to worry about the judgments of others about your clothes, shoes, etc. Sameness would take many of the stressors out of everyday life. It could reduce anxiety due to social differences and probably reduce prejudices, as well as certain social stigma. And the other person said this; At one point in the novel, Jonas and the Giver are discussing Sameness. Jonas says that he would like to have a choice in some thing for example he would like to choose the color of the tunic he wears (remember he can see color and others can't). They discuss a few other fairly trivial things. But then the scoff at the idea (and the chaos it would cause) of people being able to choose their mates or their jobs! The community chooses Sameness because they believe that if everything is the same and people don't have any choices that bad things won't happen. Now obviously the whole point of the book is to question this and as Jonas learns more and more, he comes to realize that his community is a disaster. The advantages would be that if everyone is the same, there won't be prejudice, etc. But of course on the flip side of that is that there is no diversity. My source where I found this information is as fowllowing;
    So in coclusion our world would be better now and in the future if we had sameness.

  6. Some Problems that would be done away with are there would be no racism first of all, and then nobody would be made fun of for being different. All the kids in school would be the same, so the bullies would have no reason to make fun of the other kids. At Work somewhere, the boss would not choose someone because of how they looked, or what they wear. The boss would pick the person with a better work ethic or better report from precious bosses. Those are the problems i think those are the problems that would be solved with sameness.

  7. I used Google as a search engine. I think that being selected means your might be special and stand out to the community. Just being assigned means you are a n average person in the society. This is my opinion. I also think that people change their minds and mat want to switch jobs more often because they didn't get to choose their jobs in the first place. Reasons that people want to switch their jobs:

    1. People change their jobs because they didn't choose the right job in the first place.
    2. They don’t feel comfortable working the job that they work.
    3. They might not like the people that they work with.

    Drawbacks from switching carriers include regretting you changed. After working your new job you may want to go back to you old job or maybe you don’t like the people you work with at your new job?
    Maybe this strategy might help in the society. I also think that it might not help at the same time. Some people might like the job they got because they helped out at it a lot in their childhood years. Others may not have like the jobs they have gotten. Then they night have to find a new one.
    Benefits would be if someone got a job they really liked or one that they started like a lot since they got it. Some one might have learned allot from the job they got and liked it.

  8. I think that if we were all the same or our community had sameness that it would be helpful and difficult in some ways. With sameness people may not be discriminated so much. Not that happens a lot these days but some people do make fun of people because of color, maybe religion, or something else.
    I think that if we didn’t have sameness it would be a good thing too. People in the community could express themselves in their clothing or if they wanted to dye their hair. Sameness could be good or bad depending on how you look at it.

  9. If we had sameness there would no longer be racism or bullying. These things could also lead to a time of peace. Without seasons there would be no worrying about growing crops before the winter, and no one would get sick with hypothermia. Also parents wouldn’t have to lecture their kids about wearing coats, hats, and mittens because of the cold. Those are a few of the problems today that we could solve if we converted to sameness.

  10. If there was complete sameness, then there would be multiple conflicts resolved. One is racial conflict, if there is sameness, then everyone would be the same shade of color. there would be no racial disputes and nobody would be left out because of their race or color. Another conflict that sameness would do away with is that no one is put down because one 9 has a bicycle before another 9 does. That is what I believe sameness will resolve.

  11. Today we would do away with problems with racism because of peoples skin color. And people wont get made fun of for clothes colors or look.

  12. We would never have the economic failure that we have today. Also we would not have to pick out what we ware to school because it would be grey or grey. We don't have to worry about anything that dells with color and we would not have fast transportation because in that kind of society u only get a bike and there would be no cars, planes, motorcycles, etc..

  13. Some problems that could be done away with sameness are arguments and wars. Also alot of people being homeless and a lot less world hunger.

  14. Some problems facing our world today that would be done away with if we had sameness would be world hunger, sunburn, arguing over clothing, making difficult decisions, less homeless people.

  15. our world would be a lot better becuase there would be no poor,war,lack of food, but it would be dull and no one would have the different joys in life that we do.And we have no choice of what we do, who we marry and other things that we can choose that affects our lifes.

  16. Global Warming would not be a problem if we had sameness. It would not be a problem because the community would deal with it, and do away with it. Also, the economy would be okay, because people make enough money to support their family. No one would go hungry because they would make sure people are fed. Alot would be different if we had sameness, somethings would be good, but somethings would not work.

  17. Some problems that would be done away with are bad weather like to much snow or to much heat. No one would be stealing becuase everyone has all tha same stuff. All scarey objects, like spiders and clowns, would disapear. Kids wouldn't be able to complain to there parents about someone being able to do something that they can't because every does everything at the same age. There wont be any natrul disasters in the world any more.

  18. Some problems that we face that would be done away with would be theft.This is because everyone would have the same things and there would not be a difference between anyone.There would no longer we disasters with tornadoes, hurricanes, or other weather effects because the wclimate would all be the same no snow,rain,or anything else it would just be a livable climate.People would not be aloud to complain about not having a job because everyone would be assigned a job so there for everyone would have jobs.

  19. Some problems faceing our world today that would be done away with if we had sameness, maybe one would be global warming. I say that because like in the Giver we would all go back to riding bikes. By riding bikes we reduce air polution, because vechicles are the main cause of air polution. Another problem facing our world today is that it is hard to find a job, when it is hard to find a job some people go to desperate measures to get money. also like the giver we could assignjobs to people, so that every one could have a job. Also by how people being raised all the same we would probely have no criminals. Also we could have no color. That is a small problem bet it also keeps kids from creating groups like gangs all so adults. I know there are more problems faceing our world today and would be done away with if we had samness but this is all i could think of right now.

  20. Some of the problems that we would face would be it would be boring. Every thing would be the same are hair would the same color as are pants. on the 4th of july the fireworks would be gray. But a good thing would be that we would all be wereing the same thing. there would be no saying that your clothsare stuped or somthing.
